The Yellow Pages business location feature uses Google Maps with the purpose of helping to make your business visible to potential customers with the exact location displayed on a map. Customers not only get your exact location but are also advised on how to get to your business premises by different transport means. Customers find it easier to come to you, especially if they are far from your location and do not know the area or how to get there.
Yes, you can easily update your business location by accessing the location section from your dashboard menu. Refer to the tooltips or video tutorial for business location available within the section.
When you have accessed the location section within your business dashboard, you will see the map of Mauritius. Find your location on the map. You can zoom in and out with the + and - icons. You use the red location pointer to place it on your business location. For example if you are from Rose Hill you need to zoom in on the address within the Rose Hill region. Once you place the red location pointer on the location/address, your longitude and latitude will automatically be recorded as you click save. If you know the coordinates (longitude and latitude) of your business location you can also enter these in the allocated fields.
Refer to the tooltips or video tutorial for business location available within the section.
Please contact our customer service team or create a ticket within YellowMail/Support if you require any assistance with this feature.
Any business page plan as from “Classic +” and above enables the business location feature. Refer to the Compare Business Page Plan table for more information.
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